Class Welcome


Thanks for signing up for a class or workshop with Springfield Improv.  We are looking forward to seeing you.

This will be a live class with other participants.  Everyone is going to have a chance to act out and share with each other.  The class is designed to let you get creative and unleash your inner funny person.  At the same time we ask that everyone be respectful of the other participants.


Here are some tips on tech to help make the class as enjoyable as possible:

Zoom setup tips

Please follow the tips below to get the best experience during your workshop!

Download the latest copy of Zoom, here.


Please use a laptop or desktop computer with a camera. A tablet or phone may also work, but a laptop is recommended.

If you can, connect your computer directly to your router with an ethernet cable. That will keep any problems with lag from popping up, and will give you the best quality/most stable connection. If you can’t do that, try to be as close to your router as you can.

If you are using a tablet or phone, try placing it on a stack of books or boxes to bring it head level and allow you to not have to hold it.


You can test your Zoom setup by starting a new meeting in the free Zoom app to see how you will appear on-screen. We recommend doing this prior to your first class, so you can make adjustments as necessary.


Find yourself a private room where you can stand up and move around. You should be able to step back from your camera and be seen fully, from the waist-up, at least.

Feel free to stand or use a chair.

Set up your camera/laptop on a stable surface, at an appropriate height, so that you are not staring down at the camera awkwardly. Lying on your couch or crouching over a coffee table will be very awkward. We want to see you straight-on.

Make sure you’re lit well! We want to be able to see your lovely faces, and if you’re in shadow, we can’t see your facial expressions.


Mic yourself up. Since you might have to get up from your screen and your computer’s microphone, it is helpful to be miked.

If you have bluetooth headphones, sync them with your computer and use those. They’re great. Just make sure they’re fully charged beforehand and test them out to make sure they don’t have sync issues.

If you only have wired headphones with a mike, that’s no problem. Wear those and run the cable through your shirt, so it doesn’t get caught on anything while you’re improvising.


Wear comfortable clothes.

Have fun!